Monday, January 20, 2014

Blogging For Endo: The Mental Impact #myendomarch

Living with endometriosis takes a toll in more ways than one. The physical aspects not only affect your physical well being, but it takes a toll on your mental well being as well. I know that I apologize nearly everyday for being a poor wife. I get really depressed because my husband has to pick up so much of the slack. Now mind you, it is slack that he wouldn't have to pick up,if it weren't for me having endometriosis. I feel so guilty that I am so "lazy", though I know that laziness is not the issue. If I could get up and do the laundry, dishes, or vaccuum, I would do it in a heartbeat. Knowing the truth, or the reality, doesn't make it any easier to comprehend or cope with. 
I have been diagnosed with severe anxiety. I know that my endo has something to do with that diagnosis because when you live in such severe pain, it is hard to stay mentally stable. I worry about everything. It is hard to control random thoughts and cope with the consequences of those thoughts. It is extremely hard to make a plan, and stick to it, because every time you make a plan, endo has a different plan set for the day. 
The lack of sleep can also take a toll on your mental well being. I know that I have a really hard time going to sleep. If it isn't the pain keeping me up, it is the thoughts of all the things that I need to get accomplished. Without sleep, your body and mind can't reboot. It slows your thought processes and makes it hard to concentrate. I may not be able to keep my mind on one crochet project at a time, so I do several to keep myself from getting so frustrated. 
The feelings of guilt, loneliness, laziness, pain, and frustration at the situation, takes a toll on all of us. We all have those times that we feel alone and like we can't handle what is being fed to us. We all suffer times of weakness and mental breakdown. We have to remember that we are not alone, no matter how much we feel like we are. We are doing the best that we can, though we feel like we don't get much accomplished. We shouldn't feel guilty for having an illness that takes so much away from us, though I know that is easier said than done. We need to give ourselves a little bit of a break when we are frustrated. Living with endometriosis is not easy, fun, or even bearable most days. We are going to react to our situation and take it out on the people around us. As long as you can catch yourself when reacting to life and apologize for being a "witch", than the people that love you will understand. We all have moments of weakness and that is fine, because we fight like girls! The fight is an everyday battle and no onoe can battle everyday with out a slip or two. 
The mental toll that endometriosis can take on us and our families is almost as significant as the illness itself. We are all strong and we have each other to lean on. We CAN fight this and we WILL prevail one day. When you feel like falling apart, remember you are not alone. Remember that there is someone else out there that is going through the same thing you are and will understand. I remeber that the search for a cure is on going and that is what helps me on the days that I feel like endo is getting the best of me. We will get there one day. 

The #EndoMarch2014 will help us get there! Please remember to go to their website and help us spread awareness about endometriosis. 


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