Monday, December 30, 2013

Our Pleas Are Being Heard

There is something to be said for all the information that is starting to come out about endometriosis. It almost seems like our pleas for help are actually being heard. I am seeing new information being posted everyday. I think that we may just start getting better care. I am looking forward to the EndoMarch2014. It is going to show the world that we are not giving up. We will shout from the rooftops and bang on doors in order to get the treatment we deserve. We suffer like many cancer patients do, yet we don't get the same sympathy or understanding. Our families look at us like we are crazy, or lazy. We are treated like we should get over it, suck it up, take Midol and get to work. If endometriosis were classified as the cancer type illness that it is, then maybe our the insurance company would pay more of our medical costs. We may be able to get on disability, as some of us are in the bathroom or in bed all day. Maybe we would have more effective treatments available to us so that we would have a chance to live a more "normal" life. Just maybe we would have national coverage of Endometriosis Awareness month, the way that everyone covers Breast Cancer Awareness. 

We can only hope that this trend continues. I am seeing more and more studies and news stories on our hidden passenger. As soon as I see them, I share them. I do my best to spread awareness and gain friends everyday for doing so. I love that there are so many of us that are standing up and speaking out. It would be wonderful to be able to attend the Endometriosis March on March 13, 2014. The scarves that I make will be around the necks of many women that are attending and that will have to be good enough for me. The march is just another way to spread awareness and I think that it is another stepping stone in the long path to finding a cure. 

If you would like to learn of all the new information that is beginning to circulate, join Facebook or Twitter and find me. Anytime something is shared, I pass it on. You can learn new things and have better conversations with your endo specialist.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Struggling but Fighting

Days seem to get longer and longer with each passing day. I notice that I am having a harder and harder time dealing with this illness. I have suffered for 20 years and each year it gets worse. If I really think about the progression of the illness, and the pain associated with it, I think I may just give up. The pain is so unbearable now, and next year at this time, I can't even comprehend how I would deal with it. 
I have been in some pretty bad pain for the last few days. I will be starting any day, and my uterus and ovaries are punishing me. My husband says I am stubborn and always try to do too much and end up paying for it later, so he came up with a solution. He went and picked up a slew of movies and sat down and watched them with me. He knew if he was up and doing stuff I would figure out a way to help, or do something else that needed to be done. I know it killed him to sit all day for the last 2 days, but he was content because he knew I wasn't over doing it. So let me actually get back to the point. The movies we rented were apparently scratched and we were missing big chunks of the movie. We only paid half price for the rentals so I told my husband, "I guess we only get to watch the half of the movie we paid for." Of course we both started laughing and I immediately started crying. Laughing hurt so bad that I couldn't hold back the tears. I felt so bad. My husband hates it when I cry because he feels helpless to do anything about it. I usually do everything in my power to be strong. I cry when he isn't there, but every now and then I can't help it. Today it made me so mad. We were having a good time and the pain had to remind me that I couldn't do that today. For just a split second the old me was there. I was light hearted and quick witted. It disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. 

I am struggling with the unknowns. I have been reading a lot of articles about Endo lately and it is a bit discouraging at times. The unknown is what is so scary for me. I had a surgery in April thinking that the outcome would be less pain. Needless to say that wasn't the outcome. My Endo was so much worse than the specialist had thought and therefore the outcome wasn't as predicted. I have severe endometriosis and adenomyosis so the next course of treatment is to have a hysterectomy. The fear I have is that I won't get enough relief from it. The majority of my pain is around my periods and so we think that taking my uterus will take care of the adenomyosis. Taking my ovaries will prevent the endometriomas from growing back on them, and therefore reducing my pain. What if it doesn't work? What am I going to do? I am scared that it is just going to exacerbate another complication from having endometriosis. I am scared that it won't take care of the amount of pain that I need it to. I know that it won't cure the Endo. I know what it won't do, but it is what I don't know that it will do that is scary. 

There are no guarantees when it comes to having surgery to treat this illness. I have an excellent specialist, but he doesn't seem to know much about how to treat the other organs that can be invaded by the endo. He knows how to excise it, but he doesn't do resectioning of the colon, nor does he know how to find it in the colon muscle. I talked to him about the issues that I was having with going to the bathroom and he told me that the only gastro doctor that he knew, in the area, that could identify it in the muscle of the colon, had passed away. He hasn't been able to find another doctor that could. So that essentially told me that if that was an issue, I would have to be able to travel to the CEC, or find another doctor that was closer. 
I am not able to work, other than selling my crochet items, and that doesn't earn us much money. My husband works hard in the oil field as a welder, but he doesn't make the kind of money he should. We aren't at poverty level, but we live paycheck to paycheck most of the time. We have paid off our house and our vehicle, but with medical bills, we can't afford to buy another vehicle. I hate being such a burden to my husband. We can't afford the travel to go to different doctors, or for the hotel stays. Heck, I owe over $100,000 in medical bills just for this year alone. That means that if we didn't pay for gas, groceries, electricity, water, or cell phones, we could pay off the debt over the next three years.

I broke down tonight and told my husband that I was scared. I have been trying to so hard not to burden him more than I already do. I just broke down tonight and couldn't keep it bottled up. I felt helpless and didn't know how to hold it all in. Why does the endo have to take away laughter from me? It seems that it just keeps taking more and more. I am losing pieces of me, bit by bit. There used to be a time where I would crack jokes constantly. I used to twist what people said and make it funny. I don't do that so much any more. I think you have to be happy in order to be funny, and I am just not that happy. My husband does everything in his power to make me smile and keep my spirits up, but sometimes it just isn't enough. I am fighting the depressive feelings that keep creeping in. The best way to fight them is with laughter, and I can't laugh. 

I know I am not alone and that I have plenty of support from my endosisters. I know that things will look better in the next week or so. Until that time comes, I have to fight to stay positive, strong, and light hearted. It is definitely a fight for me. I have been in pain almost all my life. I was physically abused by a step father, raped by a grandfather, and now have severe endo. I really need a break from the pain. I fought people growing up and now I have to fight my own body. I have survived so much brutality and I will survive this too. I have always fought like a girl and I won't give up now.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

More Questions Than Answers

I am sure that many of you talk to family and friends about your illness. If you are like me, you come across those friends and family members that ask questions that you don't have an answer for. I have also run into the occasional person that has a "suggestion" that sounds good, though not at all plausible, or the suggestion is completely insane. I have very close friends and a few family members that want to truly know how I am and what is going on with my treatment. As I explain things to them, I am confused myself about this horrid illness and the treatments, or should I say temporary solutions to a few of the complications. 
I was sitting at the table today explaining what the doctor found at my last appointment and the treatment options that were offered. I then had to explain that even though we chose an option that will treat an issue, it won't solve the other complications. The look on my family members face was perplexed. She asked why this wasn't treated like they treat cancer. I didn't have a good answer other than to say it wasn't cancer. She then asked why I couldn't get disability, especially since she has watched my health fade for a few years now. Again, I had no good answer. (My husband and I proceeded to tell her about the March for Endo and what they are trying to get accomplished). She asked some very good questions but she also asked questions that weren't possible. One the questions was why can't they get all the hormones out of your body to starve the Endo? That didn't make sense to me. I understand why she would think that, seeing that I explained that the Endo is progesterone and estrogen, but how can you strip every cell in the human body of those hormones? (That question reminded me of my days working in the ICU. We would have a person that was badly injured and would be brain dead or severely brain damaged and a family member would ask if they could have a brain transplant. Yes you read that right, a brain transplant. I understand where they were coming from. They were losing someone they loved and wanted to find any answers they could to hold onto them. It is still one of those questions that is absolutely impossible.) She has watched me suffer and decline and she is grasping at straws to try and figure out a way to help me and I love her for it. 
After explaining everything and going round and round, we decided that it was time to get off such a dreary subject and join everyone else in more delightful topics.
I came home and on my Facebook wall there was a friend asking how to explain Endo and the fact that she is having a complete hysterectomy to her father. She was unsure how to explain it all to him. I put in my two cents and told her that all she could really do was explain it to him the way the doctor explained it to her. Tell him what you understand endometriosis to be. Then explain to him the treatment options you were given and the pros and cons of each option. The next step would be to tell him which option you chose and why you think that option is the best one for you. The last step is to ask if he has any questions or concerns. All you can do is answer them to the best of your ability and seek answers that you don't know, by calling your Endo specialist and asking. I told her that I was unsure if that was helpful, but that is the best that I could come up with.
I understand where she is coming from. It is hard to talk to loved ones about this illness. It is hard to tell them that you made a decision to do something that may make you life better, but there is no guarantee. For me it is hard to tell someone that I have chosen to have a hysterectomy but I am struggling with the decision because I have no children, and I am afraid that I won't get the relief that I need. It is hard to explain that you trust your doctor, and then tell them that he tells you that he can't guarantee that it will fix anything. He can't guarantee that it will make my pain better. He can't guarantee that it will prevent future surgeries. Most of all he can't tell me that he will fix it or cure it. It is hard to explain that even though I am going through the surgeries and trying to live with the decisions, that I am scared that the outcome will be no better than what I am currently living with. It is hard to explain all that and then not be apprehensive of the response I'll receive from them. 

So I regress. I am left with more questions and no closer to finding the answers. I am left leaving a loved one just as confused as I am. I am left just as frustrated, angry, and sad as them. We all struggle with this illness and with the frustration of having no answers. We all feel, at times, like there will be no end to our pain. Then to top it off, we then have to live with the fact that we have burdened our family with our illness. We have spouses, (some of us) children, siblings, parents, and friends that have to pick up the slack where we fall short. They have to deal with the fact that we won't always be able to participate in the big moments in their life. I believe that the people that live with us are the ones that are affected the most and get as frustrated as we do. Day in and day out they have to watch us suffer and do everything in our power to act like it is ok. They have to listen as we are told that there is no cure and that this may be an issue for the rest of our lives. They have to try and figure out the answers and get no where right along beside us. 

I feel like I am rambling on and on and being so negative on a day that is supposed to be filled with joy. I wrote this post because I found it intriguing that I was having difficulty explaining it to my family, and to myself, and I come home to find out that I am not the only one. As many people as I talk to, that suffer from this illness, it still surprises me when I find out am going through the same experience as someone else that is living with endo. It reminds me that writing this blog can be helpful. If I am having the same experience as someone I know, there has to be other women that are experiencing it too. We all seem to share a bond that no one else can comprehend. I feel it is my purpose in life to help other people live to see the day that a cure is found. I want to help young ladies and women everywhere to hold onto hope, and not give in to endometriosis. We don't have all the answers now, but there are wonderful Endo specialists that are working hard to help us find them. 

Sometimes the answers you seek are just a click away. Sometimes it is comforting to know you aren't the only one thinking about this, feeling like that, or trying to find an answer that seems to be buried. Sometimes you relate to someone else and find answers without really looking. I hope I can help someone else the way others have helped me. We are over 176million strong, and together we will find the answers we need.  ðŸ’›

Monday, December 16, 2013

What is to come

Have some news. I went to the doc last Tuesday and found out why I am having so many issues and pain. It is suspected that I have Endometriomas on both ovaries, my adeno has gotten significantly worse (they can tell by how much bigger one side of my uterus is since the last sono), and my ovaries are both adhered. It is also suspected that the majority, if not all, of my previous adhesion's have returned. When my sonogram was done, it was proven that my left ovary moves with my uterus and therefore suspected to be adhered to it. My right ovary was more painful than my left and is suspected to be adhered back to my bowel. My ovaries hurt worse than my uterus did. Although every aspect of the sonogram was quite painful. It hurt worse this go around than it did 8 months ago.
The sonogram tech is a wonderful lady. She is as gentle as she can be, and explains everything she is doing/seeing as she does it. She put my sonogram from 8 months ago up and compared it to the current sono as she looked at everything. My mind was not into looking at both sonos. I was having trouble dealing with the pain and being able to concentrate and follow along with what she was finding and explaining. Thank the good Lord above for my husband. He was comparing the old sono pic with what he was seeing and said that the adeno had made the posterior/back side of my uterus about 65% larger than it was 8 months ago.
After discussing the findings with my specialist, we have come to the conclusion that the best course of treatment for me, at this stage in the game, is to take out my uterus and ovaries. The adeno is progressively getting worse, and the only way to cure that is to have the uterus taken out. My ovaries are continuing to get adhered to other organs and are developing endometriomas and cysts, so they are not able to function correctly and causing a significant amount of pain.
I am not going to get into the feelings that I have on this today. I just wanted to update what the doctor had found. Since the sonogram, I have had significant pain. I called the Dr and was told that the sono may have aggravated some things and that I need to take it easy and let the area heal/calm down. I have felt like I am on my monthly and I haven't been since last Tuesday. I am having some spotting from time to time, but barely noticeable except for when I use the restroom.
This illness has taken so much from me. My hope is that the hysterectomy will bring me SOME relief from SOME of the pain, so that I may be able to actually live a portion of my life. I will be 33 in March, in fact four days after the EndoMarch2014. I suspect that I will be recovering from surgery while everyone is marching. Maybe I can get just enough relief to be able to make it to next years march! I know that it will not cure my endometriosis, and I know that it won't fix the adhesion problem, but I also know that I won't have adenomyosis anymore and no more periods. Hoping that it will be enough to allow me to clean my house and help my husband more with some of the things we need to get done. I need at least a little relief. Something would be better than nothing, as I am hitting my breaking point.

I hope everyone is having a better week than I. If you haven't signed up or heard about the EndoMarch2014, please look into it. The more people that know, the more awareness we spread.
You can also get your Endometriosis Support Ribbon Scarves on my website: A portion of each sale is donated to your states GoFund account to help get to the EndoMarch. When the date has passed for the EndoMarch, I will start to donate to a charity to help fund the search for a cure.
I want to make sure that no one thinks I am trying to get rich by selling these. Each scarf takes me about 4 hours to make, I make about $12/scarf, so it averages out to around $3/hour.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sleeping on the couch

So anyone with this wonderful disorder, knows that there are days that the pain is severe and the flow is extremely heavy. When those days hit me, I am forced to sleep on our reclining couch. 
I am currently experiencing AF and for the last 2 days I have been confined to my couch and the bathroom. I attempted to go to bed my first night and I couldn't get comfortable. Laying on my back made my lower back hurt worse, laying on my stomach was not even an option, and lying on my side made my cramps worse. Couch here I come. Grabbed my heating pad, neck pillow, meds, glass of tea, and a towel. Slowly I made my way to the living room and placed the towel on the seat. As I am sure you all have experienced, the movement made the cramps unbearable. I reached over the arm of the couch and grabbed my short brown extension cord so that I could plug in my heating pad. My husband and I have learned that I am unable to bend over to plug in anything into a socket, so we set up a short extension cord that can be easily reached when I need it. After heating pad was turned on, it was time to get it situated to cover as much as my stomach as possible. The heating pad can't have to much pressure against my stomach, but has to have a little pressure to keep it against my skin for maximum effect. (We almost have to become experts to get some sort of relief.) I then sat there and cried until my meds kicked in and the heating pad started to work. So pain level went from a 10 to about an 8 1/2. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep. I took more meds around 4am and hubby woke me up making coffee at 5am. He apologized for waking me up (he knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep, but hadn't expected me to be on the couch). Of course I told him no biggie. I then started writhing in pain again. He asked when I took meds last and I told him an hour ago. I ended up taking some OTC CVS PMS meds (lots of caps there, lol). Hubby sat down and drank some coffee. I guess I was so worn out that I fell asleep crying. I woke up about 3 hrs later to a lot of pain, a clean kitchen, a working washer and dryer, and a husband asking me if I was ready for coffee. The only up side to this illness, for me, is I get to see just how much my husband understands this illness, and how much he loves me. 
Fast forward. I ended up bleeding extremely heavy, going through a pad every hour. The pain was excruciating and I knew it was another couch night. With such a heavy flow, I am unable to lay down. Pads are the only thing I can use, as tampons make the pain worse. The pads are not the most reliable form of protection when laying down and sleeping, especially when you are flowing like you're Niagara Falls and passing blood clots the size of golf balls and bigger.  Luckily I still had everything I needed around the couch, so I didn't have to prepare again. Another sleepless night of pain, discomfort, and walking very slowly to the bathroom. (I am contemplating putting a small room with a toilet in the corner of my living room, lol). 
It is aggravating to me that not only do we deal with pain, we have to deal with everything else too. If a man came in bleeding like they were Niagara Falls, they would figure out a way to FIX it. It just isn't natural! We should be able to crawl into our bed every night and sleep. We should have the ability to lay in our bed. I am tired of taking pain meds. I am scared that the pain is never going to end. I want to help my husband clean the kitchen, buy groceries, and do the laundry. I want to live life, not watch it happen around me. I am so afraid that a cure is not going to be found and more women are going to hurt needlessly and lose all the life that we have lost. The only thing I can do is pray that a cure will be found and pray that I stay strong enough to make it through every visit from AF. I can also spread as much knowledge as possible and spread awareness. 
We all get scared and have a hard time believing that there will come a day when we will get relief. That belief and hope is all we have. We have to hold onto the hope with all of our hearts and souls, in order to have the strength to continue fighting. I believe that the illness that we live with makes us stronger than almost anyone else. We experience some of the worst pain and lose so much of our lives because of this disorder and all of its complications. Yet we continue to smile, fight, and conquer our fears to make it through it all. We are strong, we will fight, and we will find a cure. We will continue to share our stories and show our support until we get more answers and a cure is found. 
  Endometriosis Support Ribbon Scarves. Wear your support around your neck.  A portion of each sale is donated.